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Exporting Payees Balance for External Payout Provider

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Exporting Payees Balance for External Payout Provider




  • You can download a report with all your Payees and their Balances from the Payees page



Payees Balance 1
Payees Balance 1




  • You can then use this data to process Payouts in an external Payout Provider



  • Once all your payments have been processed, do not forget to update your Apprise account with this information so that your payees’ balances are updated accordingly. If you do not do this, then your payees’ balances will not reflect any payments you have made to them and you will wind up paying them more than they are owed the next time around.



  • We provide a template to batch import multiple Payment transactions. You can download this template from Payments > Activity > top right-side menu:


Payees Balance 2
Payees Balance 2