MUSIQUE. tech. Marketing.

Distribute your lyrics

and get paid royalties

Distribute your lyrics to the most important music and social platforms. Have your lyrics seen on Instagram, Apple Music, Google, Shazam, Spotify and many more.

Your lyrics on all the major platforms

Distribute your lyrics to the most important music and social platforms. Have your lyrics seen on Instagram, Apple Music, Google, Shazam, Spotify and many more.

Get your lyrics everywhere

Take control of your lyrics

Your lyrics on all the major platforms

Distribute your lyrics to the most important music and social platforms. Have your lyrics seen on Instagram, Apple Music, Google, Shazam, Spotify and many more.

Monetize your lyrics catalog

Earn royalties from your lyrics views and receive clear, summarized reports on Musixmatch and third-party platform data usage.

Detailed distribution reports

Receive accurate distribution reports showing efficient tracking of lyric usage on a title, stream, platform, and territory basis.

Detailed distribution reports

Receive accurate distribution reports showing efficient tracking of lyric usage on a title, stream, platform, and territory basis.

Verify your profile to publish your official lyrics on Spotify, Instagram, Apple Music, Tidal, Google and more.

We make distributing your lyrics and earning royalties simple.

Let's get started!

Monetize your lyrics catalog









You can learn more about pricing plans from pricing page

Your fans will be able to share your lyrics and express their emotions on Spotify, Apple, Instagram or other platforms.

Start distributing

Your purchase is valid for one year starting from the initial date of distribution

Yes, and they are free.

Remove whatever you distributed via others, and distribute those again via Apprise Music.

Simply go to the Dashboard or Analytics section to view all of your earnings.

Frequently asked questions

The most popular


Dedicated music professionals at your service to develop your digital strategy. Honesty, transparency and efficiency are our core values.